Ready Reports

Ready has following reports:

Figure 47: Ready
  • Page Average Report
  • Page Dump Report
  • Transaction Summary Report
  • DB Queries Report
  • Exception Summary Report
  • Session Summary Report
  • Flowpath Report
  • Page Summary Report
  • Progress Report
  • Lighthouse Average Report


Page Average Report

This window provides details of the user HTTP session, such as DOM start time, on load time, bytes sent and bytes received.

Figure 48: Page Average Report




Provides session details and videos of the recorded user session.

Page Name

Displays the page name that is being analyzed.

Host Name

Specifies the host name.

Device Info

Provides information about the device, such as desktop, type of browser.

Screen Size

Provides the screen size, such as 1920*1080.


Displays the browser name in which the test is executed, such as Chromium-browser/Firefox.

Start Date Time

Specifies the page hit time or page started date time

End Date Time

Specifies the page hit time or page started date time

DOM Content Load

·         Dom Complete is the time immediately before the user agent sets the current document readiness to ‘complete’.

·         Specifies that the page and all of its sub resources are ready.

·         All of the processing is complete and all of the resources on the page (images, etc.) have finished downloading.

On Load (Sec)

Specifies the network time: based on how speedy the internet connection is and how swiftly static assets like photos and other files are served up.

Page Load (Sec)

Specifies how much time it takes for the browser to parse and execute the document and render 11the page to make it available for user interaction.

Time to Interact

Time to interact is the point when a user can interact with a web page element once the page has rendered. After a shopper clicks on the add-to-cart button, for example, TTI measures the time it takes for the interactive element on the next page to become usable, such as the checkout button.

Start Render Time (Sec)

The Start Render time is measured as the time from the start of the initial navigation until the first non-white content is painted to the browser display.

Visually Complete Time (Sec)

·       Specifies the time from the start of the first request to when the page is completely rendered. It is a point-in-time metric that measures when the visual area of a page has finished loading.

·       In RBU, this is calculated by capturing a clip of the page loading in the browser and comparing size of each clip.


Specifies the total number of requests excluding the browser cache type request.

Browser Cache

Specifies the total number of browser cache requests.

Bytes received

Download Bytes of all Resources.

Bytes Sent

Sent Bytes for all Resources.

Page Status

Specifies the page status, such as success or failure.

Page Dump Report

Click the icon to open the page dump report. You can look at the request and response for your HTTP sampler from here. Also, you can view all failures on this screen. In the example below, there was an Assertion Failure and it is marked as CVFail (content validation failure) here.

To access Page Dump report, select Report>Ready>Pagedump as shown in below figure.

Figure 49: Page Dump Report Selection

Once you click the option, following page opens.

Figure 50: Page Dump Report Page

In page dump report, it contains the following two options listed below:

  1. Page Dump Option
Figure 51: Page Dump Options
  • Show Pages: Select the pages as per the requirement.
  • Show Session: Select the session as per requirement. You can select either all pages, success pages or failed pages.
  • Script Name: Select the script name as per the requirement.
  • Page Name: Select the required page name.
  • Time: Select either the total time or the specific time for page dump.
  1. Page Dump
Figure 52: Page Dump
  • Start Time: Shows the start time of the page dump.
  • Page Name: Column shows the page name available.
  • Page Status (Such as Success, 4XX): Shows whether the page status is success or failure.
  • Page Response Time: The response time taken for page dump.
  • Parameter Substitution: Shows the parameter name substituted.
  • Request: View the request by clicking the available option.
  • Response: View the request by clicking the option.


Transaction Summary Report

For details refer to Transaction.

DB Queries Report

For details refer to DB Queries Report.

Exception Summary Report

For details refer to Exception Summary Report.

Session Summary Report

For details refer to Session.

Flowpath Report

For details refer to Flowpath Report

Lighthouse Average Report

To Access this from User Options> My Library> Reports>Ready> Lighthouse Average Report. It displays the following details:

Figure 53: Lighthouse Average Report
  • Page name: The page name which is analyzed.
  • Host name: Name of the host.
  • Group: Name of the group.
  • Session Count: Number of sessions run for testing.
  • Performance Score (%): Performance is the speed at which a website loads. Lighthouse returns a Performance score between 0 and 100. 0 is the lowest possible score. 100 is the best possible score which represents the 98th percentile, a top-performing site. A score of 50 represents the 75th percentile. An important performance metric is the Speed index.
  • Accessibility Score (%): Accessibility is the design of products, devices, services, or environments for people with disabilities. The Accessibility score is a weighted average of all the accessibility audits.  The heavier-weighted audits have a bigger impact on your score.
  • Best Practice Score (%): Best Practices is a list of audits that check common mistakes in web development. Lighthouse returns a Best Practices score between 0 and 100. The Best Practices audits are equally weighted.
  • First Meaningful Paint (sec): It marks the time (in sec) at which the first text or image is painted.
  • Time to Interact (sec): It is the amount of time it takes for the page to become fully interactive.
  • First CPU Idle (sec): It marks the first time at which the page’s main thread is quiet enough to handle input.
  • Speed index (ms): It shows how quickly the contents of a page are visibly populated.

Progress Report

It displays the progress of the test with various other details, such as:

Figure 54: Progress Report
  • Test Case Name: It displays the name for the test case used.
  • Test Run Number: It displays the test run number which is running.
  • Test Started Time: It displays the time at which the test was started.
  • Test Configurations: It displays the details for the test such as: Test Mode, Network Cache Rate etc.
  • Test Mode: It will display the mode used by the user to execute the test. Such as: Fix Concurrent Users, Fix Session Rate, Mix Mode.